For all of you who have been waiting on the before pictures of our first house, they have arrived! These are all picture we took on the day of closing. Sorry some are pretty dark, but we didnt have the elecricity turned on yet. Once I have the after or in-progress pictures I'll link them up with the name of the room!
The outside Front & Back
Click here and here for the updates we made to the backyard.
First Floor
Living Room:First floor half bath:
**NOTE** Please dont be scared, when we looked at the house I think I gasped out loud when we walked in. In turn, this was the first room to be painted. lol
Oh and if you would like some of the trim, I'll send it to you. The previous owner must have thought we would love it because he left some extra for us. Thanks!
Oh yes, that is a faux treatment of orange sponge paint over navy. AAAHHH
Master Bedroom:
Master Bathroom & Closet:
Hi Marley!
Guest Bedroom #1
Yes the crazy paint colors continue to the second floor. And look at those beautiful valances. lol NOT!Hello Yellow
Guest Bathroom
I'll post some more pictures later...